South Park is a first-person shooter video game based on the American adult animated sitcom of the same name. A mysterious comet is approaching the earth, described by the opening narration as a force of concentrated evil that no force of good can stand against. As it comes closer, South Park is beset by enemies, including rabid mutant turkeys, deformed clones of the townsfolk, alien visitors, berserk robots, and sentient killer toys. Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny hear about the dangers from Chef, and take up arms to investigate their sources and defend the town. Gameplay: South Park is a first-person shooter. The game’s single-player mode places the player in control of one of the four main characters of South Park (Cartman, Kyle, Stan or Kenny). The player must defeat a variety of enemies using the various weapons found throughout each stage in order to reach the exit point at the end. In addition to completing levels, the player must also prevent large enemies in the stage (dubbed ‘Tanks’) from reaching the exit before they do. If they fail to do so, they will be forced to defend South Park from the ‘Tanks’ in a short minigame called the ‘Penalty Round’ after the stage.


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